BattleSnake 2017 API


1 Introduction

Like previous years, all competing clients are expected to provide a web application that is available at a routeable URL.

Clients are expected to respond to HTTP requests and provide a route for POST /start and POST /move.

All clients are expected to respond within 200ms of the server's initial request. Failing to respond before the timemout may result in the server choosing a random move for you.

All responses are expected to have a 200 OK status code.

2 Callbacks

2.1 POST /start

Called when a new game is started.

Game IDs are guaranteed to be unique1.

The purpose of this callback is for clients to report what their snake's name, colour, and other display properties should be for this game.

This callback should not be used to manage internal snake state it is not guaranteed that as you will be notified when the game ends, or when your snake dies.

All attributes the request are provided to maintain backwards compatibility with 2015 snake clients - it is strongly recommend that clients exclusively use the move callback for any and all game play logic.

URL /start
Method POST
Headers Content-Type: application-json

2.1.1 Request attributes

Attribute Type
game_id UUID
height integer
width integer

2.1.2 Example Request

  "width": 20,
  "height": 20,
  "game_id": "b1dadee8-a112-4e0e-afa2-2845cd1f21aa"

2.1.3 Response Attributes

Attribute   Type  
color   Color Primary color for your snake and avatar
name   string Your snake's name.
head_url optional url An image to be displayed as your avatar. Name is for compatibility with previous years. Avatars are displayed in a square box.
taunt optional string Message to display in the game client.
head_type optional HeadType String matching one of the snake heads listed here.
tail_type optional TailType String matching one of the snake tails listed here.
secondary_color optional Color Accent color used by some snake heads.

2.1.4 Example Response

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Content:
    "color": "#FF0000",
    "secondary_color": "#00FF00",
    "head_url": "",
    "name": "Cage Snake",
    "taunt": "OH GOD NOT THE BEES"
    "head_type": "pixel",
    "tail_type": "pixel"

2.1.5 Sample call


curl $my_snake_server_url/start \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @- <<-REQUEST_BODY

2.2 POST /move

The game server will issue a request for this callback on each turn to request the client's move.

This callback should be used for all game logic.

URL /start
Method POST
Headers Content-Type: application-json

2.2.1 Request Attributes

Attribute Type  
food Array<Point> Array of all food currently on the board
game_id UUID  
height integer  
snakes Array<Snake> Array of all living snakes in the game
dead_snake Array<Snake> Array of all dead snakes in the game
turn integer The current turn.
width integer  
you UUID A reference to your snake's id, the snake object can be found in snakes.

2.2.2 Example Request

  "you": "2c4d4d70-8cca-48e0-ac9d-03ecafca0c98",
  "width": 2,
  "turn": 0,
  "snakes": [
      "taunt": "git gud",
      "name": "my-snake",
      "id": "2c4d4d70-8cca-48e0-ac9d-03ecafca0c98",
      "health_points": 93,
      "coords": [
      "taunt": "gotta go fast",
      "name": "other-snake",
      "id": "c35dcf26-7f48-492c-b7b5-94ae78fbc713",
      "health_points": 50,
      "coords": [
  "height": 2,
  "game_id": "a2facef2-b031-44ba-a36c-0859c389ef96",
  "food": [
  "dead_snakes": [
      "taunt": "gotta go fast",
      "name": "other-snake",
      "id": "83fdf2b9-c8d0-44f4-acb2-0c506139079e",
      "health_points": 50,
      "coords": [

2.2.3 Response Attributes

Attribute   Type
move   "up" | "left" | "down" | "right"
taunt optional string

2.2.4 Example Response

  • Code: 200 OK
  • Content:
    "move": "up",
    "taunt": "gotta go fast"

2.2.5 Sample call


curl $my_snake_server_url/move \
     -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data @- <<-REQUEST_BODY
   {{"you": {"name": "my-snake", "coords": [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]},
   "turn": 0, "snakes": [{"name": "my-snake", "coords": [[0, 0], [0, 0],
   [0, 0]]}], "game_id": 0, "food": [[0, 1]]}

2.2.6 Notes

Requests timeout after 200ms, failing to respond will result in the server choosing a move for you.

2.3 Simple Example Snake

Below is a simple example snake. This is what the bare minimum implementation of a functional snake might look like.

This example is written in Ruby, but you are of course not limited in what technology you wish to use.

In the below example we create a basic Sinatra2 web application. The app severs the two post callbacks, and provides a response containing only the required attributes for both.

# ./Gemfile
source ""
gem "sinatra", require: "sinatra/base"
gem "rack"

# ./ruby_snake.rb
require "json"

class RubySnake < Sinatra::Base
  post "/start" do
      name: "simple-ruby-example-snake",
      color: "#123456"

  post "/move" do
      move: "up"

This Snake only goes up, but it works!

3 Data Types

3.1 Point

A 2-dimensional vector.

x :: 0..infinity
y :: 0..infinity
Point :: [x, y]
[0, 1]

3.2 Snake

Attributes   Type
coords   Array<Point>
health_points   0..100
id   UUID
name   string
taunt   string
  "taunt": "git gud",
  "name": "my-snake",
  "id": "5b079dcd-0494-4afd-a08e-72c9a7c2d983",
  "health_points": 93,
  "coords": [
    [0, 0],
    [0, 0],
    [0, 0]

coords is a complete list of a snakes head and body segments. The first segment in coords is a snakes head.

When a snake moves its' head segment will move in the direction specified, and all it's tail segments will advance to space ocupied by the previous segment

Eating food extends your snake's tail, and restores your health points.

For example:

// before eating food
  "taunt": "git gud",
  "name": "my-snake",
  "id": "5b079dcd-0494-4afd-a08e-72c9a7c2d983",
  "health_points": 50,
  "coords": [
    [2, 0],
    [1, 0],
    [0, 0]
// moves right, (1, 0), into a space that occupies food (3, 0)
// the new state of the snake would be
  "taunt": "git gud",
  "name": "my-snake",
  "id": "5b079dcd-0494-4afd-a08e-72c9a7c2d983",
  "health_points": 100,
  "coords": [
    [3, 0],
    [2, 0],
    [1, 0],
    [1, 0]
// the tail has been extended by 1 and the health restored to 100

3.3 Color

color :: hexcode | hsl | named_color | rbg
"rgb(255, 255, 255)"
"hsl(255, 100%, 100%)"

3.4 HeadType

A string matching one of the values listed below:

Value Preview

3.5 TailType

A string matching one of the values listed below:

Value Preview

4 Game Rules

4.1 Objective

BattleSnake is an adaptation of the classic video game "Snake", where the player maneuvers a snake around the play field to collect food pellets, which makes the snake grow longer. The main objective is to collect as much food as as possible, while avoiding hitting obstacles, such as walls and most importantly - your own snake.

In BattleSnake, each round X number of snakes is pitted against each other, and the goal is to be the last snake left alive at the end of the round.

4.2 You lose if your snake…

  • Runs into another snake's body.
  • Runs into its own body.
  • Runs into the walls of the play field.
  • Collides head-to-head with a longer snake (both die if they are of the same size).
  • Starves.

4.3 Starvation rules

  • Your snake starts out with 100 life and counts down by 1 each turn.
  • When your snake's life total reaches 0, it dies of starvation.

4.4 Avoiding starvation

  • Food pellets spawn randomly around the play field.
  • Each food pellet increases your snake's length by 1 and resets its life to 100.

4.5 Sportsmanship

  • No DDoSing your opponents.
  • No manual control of your snake.

5 General Advice

coming soon…

6 Deploying Your Snake

coming soon…

7 Example Snakes

more coming soon…

7.1 Ruby Snake